
Nature's insulator offering a place of security for young beings as they prepare for first flight.

As a registered community interest company in the UK, Closer Than You Think can provide a temporary fiscal or structural home for your emergent ideas or initiatives until they are read to become independent.

Projects currently in the chrysalis:


Elemental emerged from a participatory research and design process that was grounded in deep listening, collective ideation, and liberatory vision. It reflects the experiences, insights, and analysis of global movement leaders, narrative practitioners, and funders working across issues, identities, and geographies.

Building on and complementing existing work in the philanthropic sector and the field, Elemental seeks to contribute to an enabling environment for resourcing narrative power — and prefigure the future of philanthropy in how we show up today.

Collaborators: Chiara Cattaneo and Mandy Van Deven. Reach out to to know more.

Reimagining Fiscal Sponsorship

In the work to redistribute resources to people and places that are historically excluded, the prevalence of fiscal sponsorship has grown. At the same time, concerns about conventional ways fiscal sponsors in the United States and Europe operate have led many to advocate for evolving the practice to better align with the values, aims, and circumstances of frontline leaders and to build self-governed infrastructure in the majority world. There is an opportunity to explore new possibilities for fiscal sponsorship practice that shares power, and this research project seeks to do so through the guiding question: how might we reimagine the role of a fiscal sponsor as being a buffer between the funding institutions that won’t take on systemic risks and the groups that shouldn’t have to? Reach out to discover more and share insights.

Collaborators: Jocelyn Ban and Mandy Van Deven (Both/And Solutions)